Our Mission

Our mission is to expand access to science and engineering knowledge, address climate change and its impacts, and improve environmental and social conditions in our communities and beyond.

Our Vision

To secure a healthy, sustainable, and just environmental future for the planet and its inhabitants.

How Are We Making an Impact?

Charitable and Educational Support

We provide direct contributions to nonprofit organizations in their efforts to address climate change, improve environmental health, expand access to STEM education for the next generation, aid victims of natural disasters, and invest in our communities.


We advance the core elements of our mission by forming partnerships with key academic institutions, their students, and their alumni in our ranks. We fund academic scholarships at a growing number of colleges and universities, including those with historically high marginalized student populations. The funds are dedicated to support research projects in the environmental and broader STEM fields.

Pro Bono Services

We provide grants that allow Integral Consulting Inc. staff to provide technical support to eligible non-profit organizations and groups where their expertise can make a difference.

The Integral Charitable Foundation

Believes in a path forward for human populations and ecosystems whose futures are at risk today and in the coming decades. Where these challenges can be addressed, not erased. We are taking action to advance our goals of combating climate change, building diversity through STEM education, and applying the collective knowledge and power of the individuals from Integral Consulting Inc.

We hope you will join with us in these efforts.

What we do now will profoundly affect the next few thousand years.

Sir David Attenborough